Watermelon and Feta Salad

Watermelon Salad 15

Mrs. Nice made this delightful dish for us when we were over for lunch last week and it really hit the spot during that blasted heat wave. She learned it from a man at the grocery store who had been setting out samples and she was immediately hooked.  After tasting it, so was I, and so I made it for a further lunch (on my family’s side) the following weekend.

A note in advance: keep all your ingredients chilled and separate until just before serving or everything will go mushy.

Start with a decently-sized seedless watermelon (or mostly seedless, as was the case here).

Watermelon Salad 1

Crack that puppy open by cutting off the ends and paring off the rest of the rind.

Watermelon Salad 2

Watermelon Salad 3

Cut it into slices and then chop those up into cubes and chuck them in a large bowl.

Watermelon Salad 4

Watermelon Salad 5

Chop up as well a large red onion.  That can be pitched into the bowl as well.  You might want to start tossing the ingredients together with your hands so you don’t destroy the watermelon.

Watermelon Salad 6

Grab yourself a bunch of fresh mint.

Watermelon Salad 7

Pull off the leaves and chop those up finely as well.

Watermelon Salad 9

Sprinkle those over your watermelon.

Watermelon Salad 8

Finally, haul over a good-sized hunk of firm feta cheese and cut that up as finely or as coarsely as you like.

Watermelon Salad 10

Dump that in the salad as well and toss to mix it all up.

Watermelon Salad 11

Juice a lime and pour the juice into a bowl.

Watermelon Salad 12

Add in about 1 tablespoon (a glop) olive oil and whisk to emulsify.

Watermelon Salad 13

Drizzle that over your salad and eat it all up!
Watermelon Salad 14

Author: allythebell

A corgi. A small boy. A sense of adventure. Chaos ensues.

16 thoughts on “Watermelon and Feta Salad”

    1. To be honest, I’m not a huge fan of raw onion, especially red onion, but in this I think it’s a necessary addition. It gives a good bite to counteract the sweetness of the watermelon and the tartness of the dressing and feta. Definitely worth doing, even if you only add a little bit!


      1. I really wanted to try your watermelon and feta but for the first time ever, the supermarket didn’t have watermelon (in Singapore) so I substituted kiwi fruit instead! Did the job but I’d like to try the watermelon still.


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