Coordinating My Crafty Crap: Cupcake Cups

Happy Good Friday!

Cupcake Cups in a Jar 1

I’m going to go easy on you with a Fast Tip Friday because you’re probably trying to sort out your weekend and all the stores are closed.  This is all over Pinterest and the Google and I really like the idea, so here it is.

Cupcake Cups in a Jar 3

Rather than poorly stacking all the different containers of your cupcake cups (because if you’re like me, you’re darn right you have several different kinds), or losing them in the back of a drawer, or having them get crushed by something heavier, why not arrange them all nicely in a large glass jar?  This is just the right level of cutesy that I can handle without vomiting glitter.  I can also see tying a pretty ribbon around the lid and giving it as a housewarming gift to an avid baker!

Cupcake Cups in a Jar 4

Author: allythebell

A corgi. A small boy. A sense of adventure. Chaos ensues.

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