Sick People Tea

Sick People Tea 1

Atlas taught me a version of this simple tea and I make it every time I come down with a cold. I find that it really helps. The name is not very appealing, but it’s descriptive: tea for sick people. And this past week the Pie and I were very sick people indeed.

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Take a lemon and slice it thinly, discarding the ends. You’ll probably only want to use half the slices, so put the others away until you need them for the next pot of tea. Slice up a small knob of ginger. Grab a couple teaspoons of fresh or dried oregano as well.

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Dump all those in your teapot. If you’re me, you’ll spill oregano all over the teapot and be lucky that most of it ends up inside. Use the end of a spoon or a muddler to squish up the lemon and ginger a bit.

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Boil some water and pour it over top.

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Let it steep for a few minutes. While it’s doing that, you should probably clean up the oregano you spilled everywhere.

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Pour and sip (yes, I still have my touque-tastic tea cozy). You can add honey if it’s too much for you to handle, but that’s up to you. Feel better!

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Author: allythebell

A corgi. A small boy. A sense of adventure. Chaos ensues.

18 thoughts on “Sick People Tea”

  1. I blogged about your tea recipe because the name of it makes me laugh. The part about spilling oregano all over and cleaning it while the tea steeped made me laugh too!


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