One Lovely Blog!

I’m sorry. I’ve been holding out on you. The lovely and talented Kay-Leigh Bain of Miss Juliet Poe’s Emporium nominated me for the One Lovely Blog Award (thanks so much Kay-Leigh!). This isn’t the first time (and hopefully it won’t be the last – PLEASE LOVE ME) but I wasn’t really sure people would give a crap if I put personal fun facts about me on the internet so this will be the first time I’ve actually gone through with the whole process. So if you nominated me in the past, I’m sorry again, and this one is for you!

So there’s a process I gotta follow here:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and include a link to their blog.
2. Display the One Lovely Blog award and logo.
3. Write up the rules on your blog.
4. List seven facts about yourself.
5. Select fifteen of your favorite bloggers to nominate and write a comment on their blog to let them know you nominated them.
6. Follow the person who nominated you.
7. Display the One Lovely Blog award on your blog.

Okay, I got this.

FACT: I am so close (SO CLOSE) to finishing my PhD on the anthropology of hockey. Problem is that I am so sick of hockey at this point that I really don’t want to finish the sucker.

FACT: I am obsessed with Gren’s little pink feet when he sleeps like this. I can’t even handle how cute they are. FEETS!

Tuckered after Christmas 1


FACT: I am horribly allergic to green peppers, which is why you will never see them on this blog. BAAAAAD things happen when I eat them.

FACT: My guilty pleasure television show is Supernatural. Don’t judge me. Those boys are very pretty.

FACT: I HATE grating cheese. I can’t even tell you why. I just hate doing it. Fortunately the Pie does it for me when necessary.

FACT: If I could do this for a living, I totally would. I love to learn new things, do new things, and then teach other people how to do them. It’s like my very favourite thing in the world.

FACT: Ali Does It recently reached the benchmark of TEN THOUSAND FOLLOWERS! Thank you so much to each and every one of you!

And now, the nominees are, in no particular order. Some of these lovely bloggers are on hiatus at the moment but it doesn’t stop them from being some of my favourites:

Antoinette of Cooking Spree: I found her blog through another blog (that’s normally how it goes) and I like her style. Even if she likes beets.

Krista and Jess: these ladies popped into my radar a few years ago when they recreated a cola recipe to die for. They’re in the midst of dealing with twins at the moment, but I can’t wait to hear from them again.

heretherebespiders: I “met” this yahoo Yank a couple months ago through a flurry of comments exchanged on the blog. I really want to meet her naked neighbour. And learn her garden magic.

Eiram from I Chase Boys is actually a friend of mine, and the blog is on hiatus for a number of reasons, but she’s still awesome and her hilarious tales of wifedom and motherhood are worth hearing.

I haven’t heard anything from Elly at the Elly Green Show in a long, long time, and I miss her. Come back, Elly!

Jordana of the Urban Xenophile is an old, old friend of mine (like, from when we were eight) and fellow anthropologist. Plus that girl got STYLE.

I wish that ana at i made it so WERE a friend of mine. She makes everything, including knitting, look easy. I want to eat her brain a little bit.

I only recently discovered will craft for food. I wish I had discovered it earlier. It’s hilarious. More please!

The folks at Heritage Row Reno I kind of know through friends of acquaintances of mine back in Newfoundland. They’re also on temporary hiatus, but these things happen when you’re renovating.

And speaking of renovating, if you haven’t been reading Daniel’s adventures at Manhattan Nest, you’re missing out. I would marry both Daniel and his fiancé if they weren’t already spoken for, and I love watching him learn how to fix up a house so I can steal all his knowledge later on.

Nick at Frugal Feeding and I have been chatting back and forth over the blogosphere for years now. I’m super envious of his beautiful wooden table and his ability to do everything in metric, at all times.

Caroline at The Wanna Be Country Girl is another one of my bloggy friends, and another one I haven’t heard from in a while. She has mad skills with a camera, folks. I ain’t lyin’.

Then there’s Movita at Movita Beaucoup. I know she won’t go through with this award process because that’s not her style. But you should check her out anyway. She’s only a little bit nuts.

Almost finally, my super badass sister-in-law Teedz at icantmakethisshitup. She’s learned how to beat people up from the Isreali military, yet she uses her powers for good.

FINALLY (holy crap that’s a lot of nominations!) my best friend Chelle from Makeup Your Mind. She’s the one who got me into blogging way back in the day before things like Google and Facebook and whatnot. If you’re into makeup and style and all that stuff that makes little sense to me, check her out!

Author: allythebell

A corgi. A small boy. A sense of adventure. Chaos ensues.

11 thoughts on “One Lovely Blog!”

  1. Ali, I love your blog and continue to enjoy it. I am amazed that you nominated that blog of mine, and thank you. It is not the blog I post on very much, though I still love the idea of it. And in fact, I’ve been so busy getting on with life that all my blogging has fallen behind 😦 But life is good and provides me with a lot of material. Maybe with this encouragement I’ll get back to it. So many hobbies, and so little time 😉 Bless you, girl, and you keep up your awesome work! Big hugs 🙂


  2. Hi! I broke my precious iPad and it still hasn’t flown home to be in my loving arms…so I’ve been rubbish at doing anything bloggy the last two weeks! Thank you so much for the nomination! I’ll most likely not do anything with it though – I’m lazy 🙂

    No green peppers! Okay. Are red and yellow equally bad, because I thought they were all the same thing just at different stages of ripeness. I could be well wrong however! My evil nemesis is onion. And that truly IS in everything! If I eat them, I feel as if I ate a balloon that is slowly expanding until I just want to die.


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