My Daily Trek: TO

This isn’t a DIY post, but it’s something I do every second day and I’m going to miss it when I’m back in Ottawa.  It’s my walk to and from the law firm where I work as a librarian, and it’s quite a pleasant little journey.  This is my journey TO work (note that I didn’t stop walking to take these pictures, so they are a little fuzzy sometimes).

I leave the house, check for garbage lodged in the hedge.  If there’s litter, I make a mental note to pick it up on my way home and continue. If not, well, then that’s one less thing I need to do.

Head down the path to Pinebud, where my landlord lives.

In June, these three laburnum trees are solid yellow.  You can’t see a single green leaf.

Down Pinebud, past Mr. M’s house.  We have a “Good morning” relationship.  Also past the house that owns FOUR identical Porsches.

This is the first of many intersections where I am nearly killed on a daily basis.

Past the crappy little house with the shiny BMW in front.  The guy is definitely compensating for something.  This is also the part of the street that becomes entirely flooded when it rains.  Always fun for the passing motorist.

There’s the Remax Centre, where they do all kinds of fun expos.

The curve where I need to duck under protruding vegetation, and where I ALWAYS get splashed when it rains.

The beginning of the uphill climb.

Another intersection where I am nearly killed.

This desk is free to a good home.  There was also a white Dodge Stratus of indeterminate age that went for $600.  I can’t say I was tempted.

Back in the shade again.   I have to cross the street again, but despite the fact that this is a school zone, it’s tricky.  There are blind corners on either side.

One of the schools in question.

The Molson brewery.  Sometimes the whole city smells like fermenting beer.

More uphill climbing.  I try to avoid stepping on snails at this point, but I’m always distracted by the pretty houses, especially the ones that are attached but painted different colours.  CRUNCH.

The utilitarian high school.

O’Hehir Arena, where I have never skated.

Preparing to go downhill again.  Jesuit private school to the left.  The Rooms in front.

Some pretty flowers.

I always wonder if this part of the fence is supposed to sag, or if it was accidental.

More of the Jesuit school.

More of The Rooms.  You should go see the Burtynski exhibit that’s on now.  It’s quite spectacular.

First sight of Signal Hill and another deadly intersection.

Garrison Hill.  My nemesis.

I love these houses.

The rather daunting intersection at Queen’s and Church.  Are you scared?

First sight of my office building.  It’s the black one with the red dot.

Anglican Cathedral.

Courthouse.  Yet another intersection.  This one is one of the worst, in terms of people who try to kill me.

The houses that nobody believes are really on Duckworth.  I’ve been in the one on the right.

The tilty street full of abandoned buildings.

McMurdo’s Lane.  The Duke of Duckworth is where they film the bar scenes in CBC’s Republic of Doyle.

Last block.  That guy in front is the panhandler who practically lives in McMurdo’s Lane.  We also have a “Good morning” relationship.

Walking across the courtyard to the building.

Going up … wayyy up.

Through the library doors.

To start my day.My walk home is a little more interesting, and will be up Monday.  Have a great weekend!