Don’t Fence Me In – Make Baskets Instead

Wire Baskets 12

This is another wee project I picked up to keep me from going stir crazy when I was sick last weekend. I’m behind the trend on this again (surprise, surprise), but I’ve wanted to make these custom wire baskets for ever. The Pie as a rule is against wire baskets because he always feels like he’s going to jam his fingers in the holes and hurt himself, but then again when it comes to me getting up to shenanigans when he’s out of town, I’m not really considering anyone’s happiness but my own. For these baskets all you need is some welded hardware mesh, usually used for fencing off gardens and things like that (this one has 1/2″ square holes), a wire cutter, and a pair of pliers. Or, if you’re lucky, you can get a two-in-one that’s both cutters and pliers. And you’ll need some patience and strong wrists. This is going to take a while.

Wire Baskets 1

I was warned that when I opened the package it might spring open and seriously harm me.

Wire Baskets 2

The only thing between me and certain death was this little bitty wire.

Wire Baskets 4

When I undid the wire, the whole roll spontaneously sprang open — about three inches. I was expecting a large-scale disruption as it fully unraveled and let me tell you, I was disappointed.

Wire Baskets 5

But I kept the wire. Because I always keep wire. And ribbons. And small pieces of string. Man am I a hoarder or what.

Wire Baskets 6

Then it was easy to clip out the basket frame in the size I wanted – the best part about this project is being able to make them exactly the size you need. Make sure to leave those nice sharp open prongs. You’ll need at least one set of those on each seam.

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Folding it up was a little harder than I expected.

Wire Baskets 8

But all the edges matched which was good.

Wire Baskets 9

Folding the prongs down over the other side of the basket took some time. And I made a bunch of baskets on this day. So that took a lot of time.

Wire Baskets 10

I also folded down the tops for a smoother edge.

Wire Baskets 11

It’s just a wee basket.

Wire Baskets 13

But it can hold things like coasters.

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Or my orchid.

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I even made a round one, out of scraps. It was not as hard as I thought it would be.

Wire Baskets 18

I made a bunch more and even painted them for another project I started that weekend, so stay tuned for the results shortly!

Author: allythebell

A corgi. A small boy. A sense of adventure. Chaos ensues.

8 thoughts on “Don’t Fence Me In – Make Baskets Instead”

  1. Such a cool DIY and the wire basket can be used for multi purposes and you can even spray paint it the way you want it đŸ™‚


  2. This is a great problem solver. If you are like me, you are at the store with my measuring tape trying to find the perfectly sized basket. Love being able to customize the size!!!!


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