Most Meta Milkshake

Most Meta Milkshake
I had a meta moment the other day.  Hear me out.

So there are these Oreo cookies, limited edition.  Cookies and cream.   In a cookie.  With cream.
Most Meta Milkshake

Cookies and cream is, on its own, a popular ice cream flavour, and by extension, a good milkshake.  Because it’s cookies.  In cream.  In fact, as you can see, the picture on the front of the Oreo package is of a cookies and cream cookie in a cookies and cream milkshake.  My mind was slightly blown.

So we of course made milkshakes with our cookies and cream cookies.  We would have used cookies and cream ice cream as well but we thought that might be pushing it.

Basic formula: take about 4 cookies per milkshake and crush them up in a food processor.
Most Meta Milkshake

Crush them into crumbs.
Most Meta Milkshake
Plop as much ice cream as will fit into the cup into which you will be putting your finished product.
Most Meta Milkshake
Fill the rest up with milk.
Most Meta Milkshake
Pour that stuff into a blender, together with your crumbs.
Most Meta Milkshake
Blend and pour.
Most Meta Milkshake
Enjoy your cookies and cream cookies with cream in a meta manner.

Author: allythebell

A corgi. A small boy. A sense of adventure. Chaos ensues.

4 thoughts on “Most Meta Milkshake”

  1. Wow. Looks delicious. I fear the knowledge of how to make this amazing meta milkshake will prove dangerous to me though as I own a blender, and have ice cream and cookies in the house!!


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